PPBA Community Foundation

– A charitable 501(c)(3) foundation –

The Point Place Business Association Community Foundation

The PPBA Community Foundation is the non-profit community-oriented arm of the Point Place Business Association. The Foundation exists to improve the quality of life in the Point Place/Shoreland community through various projects and initiatives. For example, the Foundation provides college scholarships for high school seniors. It also maintains the “Anchors of the Community” memorial located just north of our Lighthouse on Summit St. In addition, it provides and maintains memorial bricks that surround our Lighthouse.

Scholarships for High School Seniors

For over 30 years the the PPBA has awarded thousands of dollars in college scholarships to high school seniors from the Point Place area. TheĀ  Foundation does not discriminate regarding race, religion or gender in the awarding of scholarships. Members of PPBA and their immediate families are not eligible for the scholarships. Students attending any high school or that are home-schooled are eligible. Only residents residing in zip code 43611 will be considered. Click here for more information and instructions on how to apply for a scholarship.

Donate to Scholarship Fund

Lighthouse Memorial Bricks

CLICK HERE to order Lighthouse Memorial Bricks

Celebrating area business success since 1948