Our next monthly PPBA meeting will be on Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at Shoreland Park, 5470 Patriot, Toledo, OH 43611
Social Time 6:00 PM Dinner 6:30 PM A short business meeting will follow.
Our meeting will be in the covered picnic area, weather permitting. In case of rain it will be in the shelter house. There are plenty of picnic tables but you are welcome to bring your own lawn chair if you wish.
We will have a potluck dinner – everyone please bring a dish to pass. PPBA is providing the meat, paper products and ice. Clem Cybulski is grilling chicken breast and brats. This is free for all PPBA members, guests and honorary members.
Other details will be forthcoming in an email to all members. Please respond to the email on you will be bringing.
Basil Apostolou from SCORE will be our speaker.
There will be no raffle or quarter drawing but circus tickets will be available, for those that want to pre-purchase their tickets.
If you are planning to attend, please confirm your reservation(s) by registering on our membership site, or by contacting Mary Lichtenwald at maryliz630@aol.com or 419-472-6529. Everyone needs to register, even if you are on the “Always Attends List.” This way we know how much food to prepare,
Deadline to register is Monday night, July 13th.