The annual Scholarship and Legacy Foundation Golf Outing is scheduled for Friday, July 28 at the Detwiler Golf Course. All proceeds from the event will directly fund both foundations. This is the major annual fund-raising opportunity for both foundations
The cost for the scramble event is $90 per person, and includes 18 holes of golf, cart rental, dinner, and Bonus Trail Pass good for 4 rounds of golf at Ottawa Park, South Toledo, Detwiler Park, and Collins Park. First Place Prize is $500 cash, and Second Place is $460 cash.
Registration is at 11:00 am for a 12:00 noon shotgun start. Dinner of prime rib, provided by Black Pearl, begins at 5:30 pm. If you don’t want to golf, you can still enjoy the prime rib dinner for only $25.
Create your own foursome or sign up individually.
Click here for all the information, including Registration Form and how to sponsor a hole.
For more information, please call 419-727-3275.