At its July 21 meeting, the Point Place Business Association voted unanimously to make Clement (Clem) Cybulski a Lifetime Member of the PPBA. This is one of the highest honors given to members that have been dues paying members for at least five years. Mr. Cybulski has also done outstanding service to the association and community.
Clem has been a resident of Point Place since he was a young boy in 1947. He fell in love with the community and has made Point Place home most of his life. He has the vision of Point Place being the #1 boating resort destination in Northwest Ohio. He has been a member of PPBA since 1994 serving two terms as president, treasurer, publicity chairperson and a board member for many years. He has been involved in many activities and committees including Point Place Days, Easter Egg Hunt, Economic Development and Scholarship Foundation. He has done video recordings and produced slide shows of many events in the community, many times funding projects on his own. He led a letter-writing petition drive, protest and media blitz that helped save our Point Place Post Office from being closed. He has been named PPBA Business Member of The Year several times and has been given many other awards and honors. Clem is a kind and genuine man who makes anyone he meets feel like a life long friend.
Vee Stader, a long time PPBA Life Member made the nomination and was supported by all in attendance. Gary Anderson, PPBA President, made the announcement to Clem, congratulated and thanked him for his outstanding service to the business association and our community.